Saturday, March 3, 2007

My Third Job

I just got home from my interview for work, and they hired me on the spot as software developer.
I guess I will be developing multimedia products more this year than blogging.
I wonder how long will I last this time..?


Anonymous said...

well! isn't that good news?! may pa ka jlee, ako gnahan nko mubalik sa professional world but dli pa pwede sa karon kay dghan pa asikasohon! waaah!

congrats on the new job! :D

Anonymous said...

ayawg undang undang nganha mawani nya akong ginamos!!!! hahahha

bitaw Jlee Congrats!!!

JLee said...

bwahaha.. thanks mayang and iReL..
ni integrate nako balik sa society! :LOL:

JLee said...

ni-dis-integrate nasad ko balik.. ni resign nako after 9 months kay naa ko lain gikalingawan run (and boring nasad kaayu akong job). Sayang, daku naman unta to akong sweldo.. hehehe.