Monday, May 3, 2010

Iron Man 2 [2010]

Iron Man 2 [2010]

Who you will see:

  • Black Widow
  • Nick Fury
  • Ivan Vanko
  • War Machine
Scarlett Johansson stars as Black Widow who appears as an assistant to Potts after being promoted to C.E.O. of Stark Industries. She was placed there by Nick Fury to keep an eye out for Tony.

Stark is slowly being poisoned by the arc reactor in his chest and is slowly dying. Nick Fury reveals that Tony's father is actually one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. and was working on the arc reactor, which wasn't completely finished although Tony thought it was. The new reactor provides a much more cleaner power source and solved Tony's problem of the poisoning.

Ivan Vanko is the son of Anton Vanko, the original Crimson Dynamo in the comics. His character's armor is a cross between Crimson Dynamo and Blacklash, and other sources indicate him as Whiplash in the film although Whiplash/Blacklash is supposed to be Mark Scarlotti.

Don Cheadle is Rhodes this time who was portrayed by Terrence Howard in the previous film. He took one of Stark's armors due to Iron Man's neglect to his duties (Stark thought he is gonna die at that time from the palladium poisoning of his mini arc reactor). The armor he took is then weaponized to what will become the War Machine.

Post credits shows a location to a remote impact crater in New Mexico, with the camera zooming on Thor's hammer.